What I Want in a Man

What I Want in a Man

0 219
What I Want in a Man Jokes Times

What I Want In A Man, Original List… (at age 22)

  1. Handsome
  2. Charming
  3. Financially Successful
  4. A Caring Listener
  5. Witty
  6. In Good Shape
  7. Dresses with Style
  8. Appreciates the Finer Things
  9. Full of Thoughtful Surprises
  10. An Imaginative, Romantic Lover

What I Want In A Man, Revised List… (at age 42)

  1. Not too ugly
  2. Doesn’t belch or scratch in public
  3. Works steady
  4. Doesn’t nod off while I’m emoting
  5. Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes
  6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
  7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
  8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
  9. Remembers to put the toilet seat lid down
  10. Shaves on weekends


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