Addicted to Porn

Addicted to Porn

0 1398
Addicted to Porn

Signs Your Partner is Addicted to Internet Porn

    1. During foreplay, he’s always double-clicking your G-spot.
    2. His new computer includes a DVD-ROM drive, a 56k modem, and a tissue dispenser.
    3. When she wants you to take off your pants, she says, “Scroll down.”
    4. Tells everyone he’s a pioneer in “palm computing.”
    5. He’s suing for repetitive stress injuries.
    6. When he sees a hot babe, he wryly says, “Boy, I’d like to click on her.”
    7. You look deep into his eyes and see a faint image of Asia Carrera burned into his corneas.
    8. As you undress, he takes out his credit card and tells you his birthday.
    9. During sex, he shouts, “Refresh! Refresh!”


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