Saturday, April 20, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Time"


Skin Graft Jokes Times

A married couple was in a terrible accident in which the woman’s face was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they couldn’t graft any skin from her body because she was too thin. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin.

However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor also honor their secret.

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman’s new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty! One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, “Dear, just want to thank you for everything you did for me There is no way I could ever repay you,”

“My darling,” he replied, “think nothing of it. I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek.”

Your Cheating Heart Jokes Times

A woman is in bed with her lover who also happens to be her husband’s best friend. They make love for hours, and afterwards, while they’re just laying there, the phone rings.

Since it is the woman’s house, she picks up the receiver. Her lover looks over at her and listens, only hearing her side of the conversation…

(She is speaking in a cheery voice)

“Hello? Oh, hi. I’m so glad that you called. Really? That’s wonderful. I am so happy for you. That sounds terrific. Great! Thanks. Okay. Bye bye.”

She hangs up the telephone and her lover asks, “Who was that?”

“Oh” she replies, “that was my husband telling me all about the wonderful time he’s having on his fishing trip with you.”

10 Years is a Long Time Jokes Times

A guy hears a knocking on his door. He opens it up, and no one is there. He looks all around and he finally sees a little snail sitting on the doormat. He picks it up and throws it across the street into a field.

Ten years go by, and one day he hears a knocking on his door. He opens it up and no one is there. He looks all around, and he finally sees a little snail sitting on the doormat.The snail looks up and says, “What the hell was that all about?”

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Top 25 Explanations by Programmers Jokes Times

Top 25 Explanations by Programmers when their programs don’t work:

  1. Strange…
  2. I’ve never heard about that.
  3. It did work yesterday.
  4. Well, the program needs some fixing.
  5. How is this possible?
  6. The machine seems to be broken.
  7. Has the operating system been updated?
  8. The user has made an error again.
  9. There is something wrong in your test data.
  10. I have not touched that module!
  11. Yes yes, it will be ready in time.
  12. You must have the wrong executable.
  13. Oh, it’s just a feature.
  14. I’m almost ready.
  15. Of course, I just have to do these small fixes.
  16. It will be done in no time at all.
  17. It’s just some unlucky coincidence.
  18. I can’t test everything!
  19. THIS can’t do THAT.
  20. Didn’t I fix it already?
  21. It’s already there, but it has not been tested.
  22. It works, but it’s not been tested.
  23. Somebody must have changed my code.
  24. There must be a virus in the application software.
  25. Even though it does not work, how does it feel?

Top 25 Explanations by Programmers Jokes Times

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Wrong Expression Jokes Times

“Doc,” says Steve, “I want to be castrated.”

“What on earth for?” asks the doctor in amazement.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time and I want to have it done” replies Steve.

“But have you thought it through properly?” asks the doctor, “It’s a very serious operation and once it’s done, there’s no going back. It will change your life forever!”

“I’m aware of that and you’re not going to change my mind — either you book me in to be castrated or I’ll simply go to another doctor.”

“Well, OK.”, says the doctor, “But it’s against my better judgment!”

So Steve has his operation, and the next day he is up and walking very slowly, legs apart, down the hospital corridor with his drip stand. Heading towards him is another patient, who is walking exactly the same way.

“Hi there,” says Steve,”It looks as if you’ve just had the same operation as me.”

“Well,” said the patient, “I finally decided after 37 years of life that I would like to be circumcised.”

Steve stared at him in horror and screamed, “****! THAT’S the word!”

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Chauvinist Statements Jokes Times

Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can’t even afford a washing machine will never be able to support you.

Why do women have smaller feet than men?
So they can stand closer to the kitchen sink.

How do you know when a woman’s about to say something smart?
When she starts her sentence with “A man once told me…”

How do you fix a woman’s watch?
You don’t, there’s a clock on the oven!

Why do men pass gas more than women?
Because women won’t shut up long enough to build up pressure.

Why were shopping carts invented?
To teach women to walk on their hind legs.

Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you’re going to want to shoot it.

If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
The dog of course…at least he’ll shut up after you let him in.

All wives are alike, but they have different faces so you can tell them apart.

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. It should be opened by the time she brings it.

What’s worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?
A woman that won’t do what she’s told.

How many women does it take to paint a wall?
It depends on how hard you throw them.

What do you call a woman with two brain cells?

I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was

I haven’t spoken to my wife for 18 months – I don’t like to interrupt her.

What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence?

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Some say monogamy is the same.


Adam Organs Jokes Times

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One day The Lord came to Adam to pass on some news. 'I've got some good news and some bad news', The Lord said. Adam looked...
A Vacationing Penguin Jokes Times

Exit Strategy Jokes Times

Passing Gas Jokes Times

Goodbye Daddy Jokes Times

