Friday, May 10, 2024
Children Jokes

Pregnant Mum Jokes Times

When I was six months pregnant with my third child, my three year old came into the room when I was just getting ready to get into the shower.

She said, “Mummy, you are getting fat!”

I replied, “Yes, honey, remember Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy.”

“I know,” she replied, but what’s growing in your bum?”

Grandma Jokes Times

I was out walking with my 4-year-old Granddaughter. She picked up something off of the ground and started to put it in her mouth.I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that.

‘Why?’ my Granddaughter asked.

‘Because it’s been on the ground; you don’t know where it’s been, it’s dirty, and probably has germs,’ I replied. At this point, my Granddaughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, ‘Grandma, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart.’

I was thinking quickly. ‘All Grandmas know this stuff. It’s on the Grandma Test. You have to know it, or they don’t let you be a Grandma.’

We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. ‘Oh…..I get it!’ she beamed, ‘So if you don’t pass the test you have to be the Grandpa’.

‘Exactly,’ I replied with a big smile on my face.

First Wedding Jokes Times

A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his cousin asked him, “How many women can a man marry?”

“Sixteen,” the boy responded.

His cousin was amazed that he had an answer so quickly. “How do you know that?”

“Easy,” the little boy said. “All you have to do is add it up, like the Bishop said, 4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, 4 poorer.”

Three Babies Jokes Times

Three babies are in their mother’s womb. One of them says, “I want to be an artist, so everyone will know what it looks like in here.”

The next one says, “I want to be an olympic swimmer because I get so much practice in here.”

Then the last baby says,” I’m going to be a hunter, because if that snake comes in here and pokes me again I’m gonna chop that damned thing in half!”

You Never Learn Nothin Jokes Times

A father and son went fishing one day. While they were out on the water, the boy suddenly became curious about things in general and started asking all sorts of questions. He asked his father, “Why does the boat float? The father replied, “Don’t rightly know son.”

A little later, the boy looked at his father and asked, “How do fish breath underwater?” Once again the father replied, “Don’t rightly know son.” A little later the boy asked his father, “Why is the sky blue?” Again, the father repied. “Don’t rightly know son.”

Finally, the boy asked his father, “Dad, do you mind my asking you all of these questions?” The father replied, “Of course not, if you don’t ask questions, you never learn nothin’.”

Cab Drivers Jokes Times

A woman and her son were taking a cab in New York City. It was raining and all the hookers were standing under the awnings.

“Mommy,” said the little boy, “what are all those ladies doing?”

“They’re waiting for their husbands to get off of work,” she replied.

The cabbie turns around and says, “Geez lady, why don’t you tell him the truth? They’re hookers. They have sex with men for money.”

The little boy’s eyes get wide and he says, “Is that true, mommy?” His mother, glaring at the cabbie, answers in the affirmative.

After a few minutes, the kid asks, “Mommy what happens to the babies those ladies have?”

“They mostly become cab drivers,” she replied.


Baby Planes Jokes Times

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A mother and her young son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The son turned from the window to his mother...
Toliet Seat Jokes Times

Running Out of Places Jokes Times

IT vs. Business Jokes Times

The Facelift Jokes Times

