Graveside Grief Jokes Times

0 409
A man had just placed some flowers on the grave of his departed mother and had started to walk back to his car when...
Sex Maniac Mouse Jokes Times

0 373
One night a man heard howls coming from his basement and went down to discover a female cat being raped by a mouse. Fascinated by...
Special Letter to Washing Powder Jokes Times

0 494
Dear Tide: I'm writing to say what an excellent product you have. I've used it since the beginning of married life, when my mom told...
Marriage Counseling Jokes Times

0 373
After just a few years of marriage, filled with constant arguments, a young man and his wife decided the only way to save their...
Snail Eats Apple Jokes Times

0 263
A snail starts a slow climb up the trunk of an apple tree. He is watched by a sparrow who can't help laughing and...
Health Care Jokes Times

0 252
The Queen of England is touring an American Hospital with the Surgeon General. As they walk through the corridors she looks into a patient's room....